Saturday, May 12 - 0 comments

Zapotec (Morphology)

Noun Phrases
linaa                                                        his hand
lolaala?                                                    your hands
lanńńa?a                                                  our mother
lonnaala?                                                 your [pl] hands
tapa ńńa?ala?                                           four mothers
linlayala?                                                  their teeth
šoono palu?                                             eight sticks
lanlayala?                                                 our teeth
toobi laya                                                one tooth
elstala                                                      the house
lanstala?                                                  our houses
lanstala                                                    my house
tšona biišali                                              three ghosts

This/That is ….
ndii? linaa                                                this is his hand
ndii? be?enda toobi                                  this is one snake
ndii? beńe mmaa                                      this is more clay
ŋgaa liniiza                                               that is his corn
ŋgaa palu                                                 that is a stick

panda lopalu?                                          how nay sticks do you have?
para?a zialawama                                    where are you [pl] going
para?a enbeendala? tšona                        where are the three fish
panda džuu? gase?wa?                            how many soldier are they looking for
para?a laatuwa?                                       where are they running
para?a lo-bere-la?                                   where are your chickens
kanuwama                                               are you listening
para?a winipa                                          where did he live

naŋgaki? linaala                                        look at his hands
ganu-ki? ennaaža?                                   see the twins
kanula?                                                    listen!
ŋgaa                                                        that!
nažaki?                                                    try it
laadula?                                                   sing!
laatula?                                                    run!
zialamaya?                                               let’s go
ńene?maya?                                             let’s think
tšu?u                                                       let’s go!
hana                                                        let’s
haa naaža?                                               imagine that! they are twins
haa rawawa                                             imagine that! he is calling

Clauses/ Sentences
naŋgawa? elba?du                                   they are looking at the boy
naŋgawa elba?du                                     the boy is looking
gaseta? dži?ińa                                         they will look for sugar
gasepama? elba?du ŋgaa                       you [pl] looked for that boy
beendawa? enba?aldu                              the boys are coming
beendapa? enba?aldu                             the boys came
beendawaya                                            i am coming
mualapaya?                                             we return
ńenepa elkiiša                                          the girl thought
ńene? aya?                                              we finished thingking
elbere ganupama                                 you saw the chicken
ganupa? biisi toobi                                  they saw one ghost
ganuwaya                                             i am seeing
ganaya                                                     i have seen
ganupa elńńa?a elkiiša                              the mother saw the girl
manias elbeenda?                                     the fish is in the water
maniiza enberela?                                  the chickens are in the corn
sapalu elnisa                                            the water is under the stick
madži? ińa niiza                                        there is corn in the sugar
zendata niiza                                            he will gather corn
zendapa? eldži? ińa                                  they gathered the sugar
sanisa winiwa elbe?enda                          the snake lives under water
gaža winipa?                                            they lived nearby
nuuma                                                     he will start
rienemama                                               you will say
rawawaya                                                i am calling
beńe rawapaya?                                      we called it clay
reinepaya?                                             we said
rienewaya?                                          we are saying
rienaya?                                                we finished saying
tšonadžii? zialama?                                  they will go for three days
yaana zialamaya?                                     now we will go
starama                                                   he will go home
zialama                                                    you have gone
laaduwaya?                                          we are singing
laada                                                      he finished singing
štarapa?                                                  they hit
waraataya?                                              we will ask it
wina?                                                      they died
nažawaya?                                            we are trying
gaša be?endala?                                      there are snakes nearby
neše elbeenda?                                        the fish is ready
neše elniiza                                              the corn is ready
naaž elkiisa                                              the girl is twin
gaša endžuu? mmaa                                 the soldiers are near