Saturday, February 26 - 0 comments

The Republic by Plato

The Republic
Author         : Plato
                      (427? BC-347? BC)
Format        : EPUB, WEB
File Size      : 0.49 MB
Category      : Philosophy

Friday, February 25 - 0 comments

The Sphinx (Book)

The Sphinx
by Edgar Allan Poe
Published in 1846                                                        1,875 words
Language: English                                                        5 pages
Genres: Satire, Short Stories                                       Added: 2011-01-12

Copyright: Public Domain in the U.S.
Please check the copyright status in your country.

Thursday, February 24 - 0 comments

Psikokinesis vs. Mistik

Psikokinesis memberikan bukti yang cukup penting yang menunjukkan betapa pikiran itu memiliki bentuk energi aneh dan asing yang telah membingungkan para ilmuan dan bahkan para materialis garis keras Rusia. Memang benar bakwa psikokinesis merupakan ilmu yang ‘belia’, itu pun kalau bisa dianggap ilmu. Namun, sejumlah besar percobaan telah dilakukan dengan hati-hatidi bawah tatapan mata cermat para ilmuan telah terbukti bahwa kekuatan pikiran bukanlah dongeng, tahyul, atau pun bualan tukang obat semata. Pada tahun 1943 Laboratorium Parapsikologi Duke University menyatakan bahwa mereka telah memperagakan efek psikokinesis. Dalam pengujian itu subjek memaksakan kehendaknya pada kubus dan mencoba menjatuhkannya sesuka hatinya. Hasilnya, secara luar biasa melampaui ekspektasi rata-rata sampai kepada suatu tingkat yang harus diperhitungkan. Hal ini, haruslah diingat, diperoleh sesudah semua tindakan pencegahan diambil untuk menghindari adanya gangguan dari luar kecuali pikiran si subjek sendiri. Tentu saja ada beberapa kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan emosi si subjek yang, -tidak seperti pada kasus gangguan-, tidak bisa selalu dikontrol dengan sempurna. Memang inilah yang bisa diharapkan bila pikiran, baik manusia ataupun binatang, diperhitungkan. Sesudah semua percobaan dilakukan, hasilnya secara pasti menyatakan bahwa fenomena psikokinesis adalah pengejawantahan khusus dari interaksi psikofisika dasar antara subjek dan objek yang bersifat dwi-arah.

Hakikat Guru


Mengapa manusia berbakat mendidik dan perlu dididik ?
John Lock [1932-1704] dengan teori “ Tabula rasa” seorang anak lahir di dunia bagaikan kertas putih yang bersih.Pada kodratnya manusia lahir dengan tidak mempunyai apa-apa maka manusia itu perlu dididik dan dilatih.Pendidik memegang peranan penting dalam menyediakan lingkungan pendidikan kepada anak dan akan diterima oleh anak sebagai pengalaman.

Hubungan dengan Tripusat pendidikan
Sekolah merupakan salah satu unsur Tripusat Pendidikandiharapkan mampu melaksanakan fungsi pendidikan secara optimal, yakni mengembangkan kemampuan serta meningkatkan mutu kehidupan dan martabat manusia. Komponen pendidikan di sekolah yang terutama adalah GURU sebagai subyek pembelajar dan SISWA sebagai primus motor.
Wednesday, February 23 - 0 comments

Language by Edward Sapir_1





This little book aims to give a certain perspective on the subject of language rather than to assemble facts about it. It has little to say of the ultimate psychological basis of speech and gives only enough of the actual descriptive or historical facts of particular languages to illustrate principles. Its main purpose is to show what I conceive language to be, what is its variability in place and time, and what are its relations to other fundamental human interests--the problem of thought, the nature of the historical process, race, culture, art.

The perspective thus gained will be useful, I hope, both to linguistic students and to the outside public that is half inclined to dismiss linguistic notions as the private pedantries of essentially idle minds. Knowledge of the wider relations of their science is essential to professional students of language if they are to be saved from a sterile and purely technical attitude. Among contemporary writers of influence on liberal thought Croce is one of the very few who have gained an understanding of the fundamental significance of language. He has pointed out its close relation to the problem of art. I am deeply indebted to him for this insight. Quite aside from their intrinsic interest, linguistic forms and historical processes have the greatest possible diagnostic value for the understanding of some of the more difficult and elusive problems in the psychology of thought and in the strange, cumulative drift in the life  f the human spirit that we call history or progress or evolution. This value depends chiefly on the unconscious and unrationalized nature of linguistic structure.

I have avoided most of the technical terms and all of the technical symbols of the linguistic academy. There is not a single diacritical mark in the book. Where possible, the discussion is based on English
material. It was necessary, however, for the scheme of the book, which includes a consideration of the protean forms in which human thought has found expression, to quote some exotic instances. For these no apology seems necessary. Owing to limitations of space I have had to leave out many ideas or principles that I should have liked to touch upon. Other points have had to be barely hinted at in a sentence or flying phrase. Nevertheless, I trust that enough has here been brought together to serve as a stimulus for the more fundamental study of a neglected field.

I desire to express my cordial appreciation of the friendly advice and helpful suggestions of a number of friends who have read the work in manuscript, notably Profs. A.L. Kroeber and R.H. Lowie of the University of California, Prof. W.D. Wallis of Reed College, and Prof. J. Zeitlin of the University of Illinois.


April 8, 1921.

Saturday, February 19 - 0 comments

Venus and Adonis By William Shakespeare

Title:     Venus and Adonis
Author: William Shakespeare
'Villa miretur vulgus; mihi flavus Apollo
Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua.'


I know not how I shall offend in dedicating my unpolished lines to your lordship, nor how the world will censure me for choosing so strong a prop to support so weak a burthen: only, if your honour seem but pleased, I account myself highly praised, and vow To take advantage of all idle hours, till I have honoured you with some graver labour. But if the first heir of my invention prove deformed, I shall be sorry it had so noble a godfather, and never after ear so barren a land, for fear it yield me still so bad a harvest. I leave it to your honourable survey, and your honour to your heart's content; which I wish may always answer your own wish and the world's hopeful expectation.
Your honour's in all duty,

EVEN as the sun with purple-colour'd face
Had ta'en his last leave of the weeping morn,
Rose-cheek'd Adonis tried him to the chase;
Hunting he lov'd, but love he laugh'd to scorn;
Sick-thoughted Venus makes amain unto him,
And like a bold-fac'd suitor 'gins to woo him.

Friday, February 18 - 0 comments

Gaib dan Misterinya


Jawaban atas pertanyaan itu banyak bergantung pada daerah tempat tinggal seseorang, keyakinan agama, dan latar belakang kebudayaannya. Di daerah anda apa yang membuat orang tertarik pada hal gaib? Barangkali, mereka terpikat karena salah satu dari hal-hal berikut.

Rasa ingin tahu
Rasa ingin tahu itu kodrat manusia. Jadi, beberapa orang penasaran apakah ada kekuatan tersembunyi di balik hal gaib. Yang lain mungkin mencoba-coba jelangkung atau membaca horoskop untuk melihat apakah ramalannya terjadi. Yang lainnya lagi menghadiri upacara pemanggilan arwah atau berkonsultasi dengan paranormal.


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